Well,they are all in Tenerrife! Blue ones, yellow ones, you name it! What a beautiful place! We had perfect weather....68 degrees, clear blue skies...no rain...Loved it! We left on our tour at 0730, drove to a little town, just ouside santa Cruz......La Laguna, beautiful little cobbled streets, and lovely restored homes. We saw 2 cloistered convents, where the Nuns are secluded with no outside contact....they spend the days praying for mankind....the grill work on the top of the convent was beautiful, and meant to keep eyes off the nuns when they walk outside for the air. We visited a bustling market, full of vegetables, pastries, and strange looking fish.....We also spent a few minutes inside an unimposing church, where the alter was made with 1.5 TONS of silver brought back from the Americas is the 1500's!

The rest of the day was spent climbing thru the forest, to the height of 7500 feet to view the 10,000 foot volcano, El Teide After we were above the tree line, there was nothing but Lava fields, filled with wonderful outcroppings of stone...and the view of the Volcano was magnificent! All in all, a wonderful day! Our tour guide was from New England, and was just wonderful..full of facts! Did you know that the Canary Islands were once known as the Dog Islands! What a great trivia question!
A beautiful lava flow!
We loved this part of the Canaries! |
I can always find the handsome men! |
I'm torturing
Michael!! |
Our trip to the Canary Islands last year was wonderful.. I'm using old emails that I wrote and adding pictures so I can figure out how to do this on our next cruise.....So far so good!
Where oh where are the pictures of the canaries?